Fees and Deadlines
- All participants are kindly requested to send an Email to Dr.Norbert.Euler@gmail.com, no later than March 1st, 2024, to inform the organisers on their intention to participate in the conference. An Abstract of maximum one A4 page, that sums up the contents of their planned Talk or Poster, should be included in the message. The deadline to submit the Abstract is also March 1st, 2024.
The following fees will apply:
- For Regular Participants: 170 Euro.
- For Regular Participants who submit their papers for the Conference Proceedings early on, and where the paper is accepted for publication before June 23rd, 2024 should pay 120 Euro. Note that when N regular participants publish a joint paper in the Proceedings and they do so before June 23rd, 2024, then each author who is a regular participant should pay a conference fee of (170 - 50/N) Euro. To assure that your paper is published in time for the discount, we suggest you submit by April 1st, 2024.
- For Student Participants: 100 Euro.
- For Accompanying Persons: No fee.
Payment Method:
- By bank transfer to the account of the International Society of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics in Germany.
- Send an email before May 5th, 2024 to Dr.Norbert.Euler@gmail.com to request an Invoice on the amount due. The bank details for your money transfer will be provided on the Invoice.
- Deadline for the payment of the conference fee is: May 15th, 2024.
The Conference fee covers the following:
- The fee gives you the right to present a Talk and/or Poster at the venue, provided that your proposed Talk/Poster has been accepted by the organisers following the evaluation of your Abstract. You may of course also participate in the conference and attend the talks/poster session(s) without presenting a talk or poster yourself, whereby the same fee applies.
- The fee includes sandwiches, snacks, cakes, coffee, tea, fruits and non-alcoholic drinks which will be provided for all participants during the breaks between the talks.
- The fee includes an Excursion to the city Koblenz at the Deutsches Eck, where the rivers Rhine and Mosel meet. You will have the opportunity to visit the beautiful Koblenz Altstadt with its charming cafes, restaurants, and its many attractions https://www.visit-koblenz.de/en/ You may also want to take a boat trip on the Rhine or ride the cable car over the river Rhine and up the mountain to visit the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress (second largest preserved fortress in Europe)
- The famous Bad Ems natural mineral water is freely availabe to drink 24/7 directly from fountains at several locations in and near the venue hotel; even in the conference lecture hall!
- Note: Accommodation, Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner are not included in the conference fee.