News and Announcements
Upcoming Conferences and Workshops
- October 7-11, 2024: Autumn School on Quantum Integrable Models, Universität Hamburg, Germany: Link
- February 24-28, 2025: Conference on Mathematics of Wave Phenomena, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany: Link
- April 7-11, 2025: Applications of Non-Commutative Geometry to Gauge Theories, Field Theories, and Quantum Space-Time, CIRM, France: Link
- April 28 - May 2, 2025: Dispersive Integrable Equations: Pathfinders in Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian
Systems, CIRM, France: Link
- August 4-8, 2025: VIII Conference on Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems in Geometry and Mathematical Physics (FDIS), CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico: Link
Academic Positions, including PhD and Postdoc opportunities
Those will be listed and linked here.
Funding opportunities and Awards
Those will be listed and linked here.
Send in your News / Announcement:
You are very welcome to publish your News or Announcements related to Nonlinear Mathematical Physics on this page. To do so, please send your material to the following Email Address.