Publications by ISNMP
- Publishing Model: Diamond Open Access format with Overlay on the arXiv or Hal.
- Publishing Platform: EPIsciences, provided by the Center for Direct Scientic Communication, Lyon, France.
- URL:
- Indexed by: zbMATH, by Scopus and by Mathematical Reviews / MathSciNet (Note: OCNMP has been accepted for indexing in MathSciNet on March 13, 2025 and all articles, starting from Volume 1, 2021, are currently being uploaded and processed for MathSciNet). Furthermore, OCNMP is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Of course, all articles published in OCNMP are registed at CrossRef.
- e-ISSN: 2802-9356 (online only)
2. ISNMP💎Books
This free book publishing service by ISNMP has been launched on the 19th of October 2024.
We now accept submissions for Book Proposals. For more information on how to submit your proposal, please contact us by Email.
Here are the details regarding ISNMP💎Books:
- We publish peer reviewed books online on this site under the Diamond Open Access Publishing Model: That is, free access to readers with no fees for authors.
- Our books are published and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0): That is, authors retain the copyright to their books and its contents.
- Our books are provided with DOI's (Digital Object Identifiers) and archived at HAL to ensure long term preservation and accessibility.
- We publish Research Monographs, Textbooks (on graduate and undergraduate level), Conference Proceedings, Lecture Notes, and Edited Collections of Articles.
- All book proposals are strictly Peer Reviewed and handled by our Editorial Board Members.
- We publish books in Mathematical Physics and related subjects in Mathematics, Physics, Mathematical Biology, and Engineering Sciences.
- We can provide printed copies of the books for a fee on request.
Editor-in-Chief: Andrew NW Hone, University of Kent: Canterbury, UK
The Editorial Board Members:
- Adrian Constantin (University of Vienna, Austria)
- Norbert Euler [Managing Editor] (ISNMP, Germany; CIC, Mexico)
- Athanasssios Fokas (University of Cambridge, UK; University of Southern California, USA)
- Basil Grammaticos (Université Paris-Saclay and Université de Paris, France)
- Rafael Hernandez Heredero (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
- Andrew NW Hone [Editor-in-Chief ] (University of Kent: Canterbury, UK)
- Maria Clara Nucci (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Peter J Olver (University of Minnesota, USA)
Copy Editor: Irina Bobrova (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Germany)
For more information or enquiries, please send us an Email.